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Taylor's Dynamic HTML Tutorial
Lesson 5

by Taylor

Page 1 — Troubleshooting

By now, after four days of dynamic HTML tutorials, you know how to make an animation and a user interface. You are comfortable positioning objects, moving them around a Web page, and programmatically changing z-indexes and visibility. You know how to conditionalize around the different DOMs and write just one document that works on both Microsoft and Netscape browsers. Or you may have decided that coding all this by hand is just too much of a pain, and you've chucked your text editor for a WYSIWYG authoring tool.

But whether you are clicking and dragging away at some tool or bravely handcrafting your code, you are bound to run into some problems. Like you really want to get that navigation bar to always be on the RIGHT-hand side of your browser. Or people keep resizing their browsers on your site and the Netscape users are complaining when suddenly all their style information disappears (Netscape chucks all style information when you resize your window). Perhaps you are doing animations and you have all your actors offstage, waiting to enter, but some joker has one of those INSANELY large monitors with a ridiculous resolution and points out that the actors hanging out on the edge of the page are visible. You are going to run across all these problems using dynamic HTML. This last day of our tutorial is going to address some of them.

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